Monday, March 5, 2007

Am I really that OLD?

I am now the mother of a 6 year old. AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

We had Hannah's birthday party at Our Back Yard this year on Saturday, March 3rd. She invited kids from her class and from Daisy Scouts. This years theme was Princess, and Emily made a Barbie cake (I was going to put that Em and I made the cake... but we know that wasn't true). I did however make Hannah's dress... and have now been told that I need to start making her dresses that are "in Fashion."

About 18 or so kids showed up and there was pizza and cupcakes. It was a ton of fun... even if mom didn't get to sit down at all... Hannah received a great assortment of gifts, from tickets to Beauty & the Beast to cheerleading barbies. Even Hannah and JT got along well at the party... and lets hope that lasts!!! Everything went well and now she wants to start planning her next birthday ("at Disneyland please mom") BAH.


Ken Nail Jr said...

You've done a good job, Melissa. You'll have to tell me how you managed to get control of the appearance of your blog. I'm still using a template and it is not as satisfying as I'd like.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mis,
Don't you just love b-day parties. :) I remember quite a few when we were kids. lol The cakes these days have gotten better looking. :)

Talk to you soon! I like this blog idea! I may need one.
