Thursday, April 12, 2007

Mel will do it... she will do anything!!!

Okay so I get this email :

I know it's the 11th hour, but I know you are extremely resourceful person. The Corduroy Ninjas need another team mate for this Saturday's Bowlfest. Our team slot is Saturday @ 8:30pm. Interested in joining us? There's only one catch. To participate (which is a fun event in itself), it requires gathering $150 in donations (this is the 'you're resourceful' part). Mona

This is for Big Brothers/Big Sisters and it is called Bowling for Kids' Sake. And of course because of who I am I will do it (why can't I ever say no)... so if you would like to pledge then please click the link below.

Bowling for Kids' Sake Pledge
On the left side of the page click on "Donate to a Bowler" then enter in Melissa in the search field.

Thanks so much!

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